Posts tagged ‘The Office’

Finale Wrap-Up Part 1

It’s finale season again, and we same-brained girls thought we’d hook y’all up with a cheat sheet of different shows and how they ended. Some shows we watch and love, some shows we watch and merely tolerate, and some shows we don’t watch at all. But we are dedicated professionals here to give you the skinny. Look for Part 2 after Monday’s How I Met Your Mother finale.

The Office, Company Picnic

Break-Ups: Dunder-Mifflin and the Buffalo branch via an awkward Slumdunder Mifflinaire skit performed by Michael and Holly.

Make-Ups: Holly and Michael, friends forever. But maybe more. Many, many years down the road. Jim and Dwight‘s frenemy relationship was a little more on the friend side of the spectrum, which is always nice to see. Also looks like there could be a Dwight and Angela reconciliation next season.

Shake-Ups: Stanley actually has a good time at a work-related event that doesn’t involve free pretzels. And, oh yeah. Could Pam be pregnant?! What else would put those happy tears in Jim‘s eyes?

Tumor count: none that we know of.

Possible Spin-off: Holly and Michael’s Movie Hour, in which Holly Flax and Michael Scott reinact recent blockbuster movies. Star Trek, anyone?


Chuck, Chuck vs. the Ring

Break-Ups: Chuck and the spy world, briefly. Bryce and life permanently (as far as we can tell. He did come back from the dead once before). Chuck and Ellie, briefly (and not like that gutter-brains. A girl’s got a right to be mad at her brother when his secret spy life destroys her wedding plans, even if Jeffster’s impromptu Mr. Roboto performance was a glorious sight.)

Make-Ups: Chuck and Ellie, because that gorgeous beach wedding was the perfect I’m-sorry-I-screwed-up-your-other-wedding gift. Chuck and the Intersect 2.0 (3.0? How many Intersects are there?). Boy’s got kung-fu skills, y’all! Kick ass.

Shake-Ups: Chuck downloads the newest Intersect. Not only does Chuck have all those sketchy government secrets bouncing around in his skull, he’s now got special abilities. Stephen Bartowski, Chuck and Ellie’s father, has an Intersect in his brain, too.

Tumor count: none, but Daddy B went all pale and shaky after his Intersect flash. Things don’t look stellar for him, health-wise.

Possible Spin-Off: Major Casey’s Major Weddings, in which Casey, with the help of his team of special-op military men, plans the big day for lucky couples.


Grey’s Anatomy
Break-Ups:  George and Seattle Grace, briefly, as George enlists to be an Army doctor. George and life, possibly permanently, as he promptly gets run over by a bus and causes a situation that’s suspiciously similar to an ER episode. Izzie and her tumor, permanently. Izzie and life, possibly permanently.

Make-Ups:  George and Seattle Grace.  I mean, he got hit by a bus, y’all.  Where else was he gonna go?

Shake-Ups:  Izzie loses a tumor, but gains a short-term memory problem (that’s suspiciously a lot like 50 First Dates).  She and George might be dead.  Right now, they’re just hanging out together in an elevator. Meredith and Derek get married via Post-It notes. I know this isn’t covered in med school, but Post-It note marriages aren’t recognized in the state of…well, any state in the Union.

Tumor Count:  One.  That is, until Derek slices it out.  And yes, he got all of it.  Buh-bye ghost-sex-enducing tumor.  We’ll miss you.  Er, well, actually, we’ll just miss Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

Possible Spin-Offs: If Wishes Were Tumors, in which Izzie’s ghost-sex causing brain tumor eats the brains of the most annoying characters on other tv shows. We Stole This From ER, in which writers of various dramas watch endless hours of ER, rip off different plots and rework them.


Dollhouse, Omega
Break-Ups: Ballard and Mellie, who is actually November who is actually Madeleine. Caroline and life, briefly. Ballard and the FBI, possibly permanently.

Make-Ups:  Ballard and the Dollhouse, as Ballard becomes a consultant or some shit to help Adele and co. find Alpha.

Shake-Ups:  Claire is a doll! CLAIRE IS A DOLL!  Why the eff couldn’t they have spent more time on this story? Alan Tudyk’s ripped bod. Sweet baby Jesus. I didn’t know Wash had it in him.

Tumor Count: None yet, but we’re banking that all that mucking around in people’s brains can’t be good long-term

Possible Spin-Off:  Scientifically Programmed Killers, in which Alpha and Echo decide they like their Mickey and Mallory alter egos and go on a twisted killing/love-making spree.

May 16, 2009 at 2:36 pm 2 comments

Weekly Wrap-up

This isn’t a what we loved/what we hated list. I have a lot of hate for a certain show which is dead to me (DEAD TO ME FOREVER, and no, I don’t want to talk about it), and I wanted to focus on the happy. So this is a Weekly Wrap-Up of the stuff we liked, with a few criticisms thrown in, just because. –ab


The Office
amelie: I kind of adored this episode. It was light and fun and there was no real drama. I agree with Michael–Cafe Disco is a magical place. I think Erin, the new receptionist, is adorable. She fits in well with the Scranton crew without trying too hard. And she has fun in the office, you can tell. I still can’t figure out why Dwight had to take his shirt off to give Phyllis a horse massage, though…

Favorite Moment: Kelly and Andy’s dance-off.

kegger:  At the beginning of this episode, I was thinking, man, Michael’s REALLY having a hard time getting back into the groove of things at Dunder Mifflin.  But THEN, he invented Cafe Disco.  And then I was like, oh, Michael, you’re awesome.  Loved it!  [Completely Unrelated Side note:  Does anyone else think think that Ryan’s next issue is going to be an eating disorder?  Since he was all like, “I’ve discovered since becoming a temp again that food is the only thing I can control.”?  Thoughts?]

amelie: He’s totally going to get an eating disorder. And Kelly and Andy’s new friendship is going to exacerbate things.

How I Met Your Mother

amelie: Stella is not the mother. Let me say that one more time. Stella is not the mother. She’s integral to Ted finding the mother, but she ain’t it. $5 says I’m right. In other news, Barney is a man whore, and, oh yeah, Barney loves Robin.

I have to say, as much as I enjoyed this week’s episode (the non-linear explanation of Ted getting to that particular corner at that particular time was brilliant, vintage HIMYM funnage), I miss Lily so much. There was this gaping hole in the Intervention scene, and it hurt. Come back, Lilypad. The gang needs you. (Slightly off topic, but kegger, if you ever need a cheap gift for me, I wouldn’t say no to an Intervention banner.)

Favorite Moment: Marshall’s Venn diagram of Cecilia (people who are breaking my heart/people who are shaking my confidence daily. Oh, Cecilia. I’m down on my knees. From laughter.)

kegger:  I’m going to seriously be pissed if Stella is the mother (which she’s totally not) because I hold grudges and that bitch left Ted at the altar.  That’s all I have to say about that.  And omg, LOVE Marshall and his charts!  But yeah.  I, too, miss Lily.

Pushing Daisies

amelie: Man. Just, man. You know who sucks? ABC. ABC is a bunch of rat bastards from hell and I hope they suffer. I managed to get my hands on the final three episodes (I have kickass friends) and they were awesomely bittersweet. I appreciate Bryan Fuller and how he wrapped everything up, but I want more. There’s this rule of good writing: show, don’t tell. I know the constraints of a short season and getting the can made this difficult, but I want to SEE how it plays out. I mean, I’m glad I was told how it goes down, but it’s not the same. I’m really going to miss the Pie Hole and all its peeps.

I’m not complaining. I’m really not. I was satisfied and happy with how it ended. I’m just frustrated that it had to end at all, I guess.

kegger:  Haven’t seen it yet.  😦  One day….


Metric, Fantasies

amelie: This is a fun, kind of mellow, kind of weird album, and I like it.
Favorite Song: “Twilight Galaxy”

kegger:  I freaking love this entire album.  It makes me bounce my head.
Favorite Songs:  “Blindness,” “Help I’m Alive,” and “Twilight Galaxy”

Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, It’s Blitz!

kegger:  I haven’t listened to it quite as much as I’ve listened to the Metric album, but I still love it so far.
Favorite Songs:  “Heads Will Roll” and “Hysteria”

amelie: I’ve been listening to this one, too, but I haven’t heard enough of it to have a favorite song.

The Clash, London Calling

amelie: I’ve been going through an old-school phase lately, and this has been on heavy rotation on my iPod. I really enjoy this album. I don’t have any concrete reason, I just think it’s awesome.
Favorite Song: “Lost in the Supermarket”


amelie: I still haven’t read anything worth talking about. I really need to look into that.

kegger: I’m currently in a YA phase.  I just finished reading The Summoning by um… Kelley Armstrong, I think?  Not bad.  Very quick read (as in, I started and finished it on the same night).  I’m also reading Jesus for President, by Shane Clairborne.  It’s a very pretty book.  You should totally go look at it in a bookstore, because it’s pretty and artistic and fun.



amelie: Eh. It was okay. John Krasinski is adorable, and George Clooney is still one of the most handsome men ever. But I felt like this movie was trying too hard. It wanted to capture the sparkle and fun of the Katharine Hepburn/Carey Grant movies like “Bringing Up Baby” and “Philadelphia Story”, but it failed spectacularly. The convoluted war story tied in with professional football…I didn’t get it. And, honestly, I’d rather watch Katharine Hepburn eat kitty litter than just about anything Renee Zellwegger has done lately. Um. Was that mean?

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

kegger:  It’s about what you’d expect, being a Kevin Smith movie and all.  But I DO have to say that while I’m a fan of Seth Rogen, he’s beginning to seem like the same character in every single movie he’s been in lately.  Anyway, it’s a pretty good movie.  Lots of boobs.  Lots of ass.  We even see a wang, and some balls.  The only thing I was slightly dissatisfied with was the ending.  It was a happy ending, but the whole point of the movie was that Zack and Miri were making a porno, right?  Well, I won’t ruin it, but I’ll just say that the movie seemed slightly unfinished.  But it was decent, and good for a laugh.

Quantum of Solace

kegger:  It was TOTALLY not a James Bond movie.  He only got one girl (he’s at LEAST supposed to bang two girls per movie!  That’s like, a rule or something!), he had NO cool, fancy gadgets, and he was dark and broody.  I’m sorry, but James Bond is NOT dark and broody.  He’s a man whore who likes cool gadgets and Aston Martin cars.  Jason Bourne is dark and broody.  Not James Bond.  But, if you pretend that it’s not a James Bond movie, it’s not bad, I guess.

The Day The Earth Stood Still

kegger:  (I know, I know, I’ve watched an assload of movies this week.  Sue me.  It was rainy, and I couldn’t go outside!)  Meh.  That’s all I have to say.  The movie was just meh.  First off, Keaun Reeve’s character is coming to earth to kill humanity because we’re killing the planet.  But then he goes and saves people and stuff.  Why, if you’re just going to off them, anyway?  It was stupid, and it didn’t add up.  And that’s all I have to say about that.

amelie: Where did you find time to watch all those movies?!

kegger: I watched ALL of those movies on Sunday afternoon.  You know, since it was raining all freaking day.  And also because we’d been sitting on 3 Netflix rentals for over a week.  So… yeah.  We just got rid of them all at once.

May 8, 2009 at 11:20 am 1 comment

Weekly Wrap-Up

Fucking finally, right?

What we loved:

amelie: CHUCK. A million, trillion, billionty times, I love Chuck. But more important than my love of Chuck is the fact that Casey loves Chuck (we already knew that Sarah loves Chuck. That’s not news.) He still hates being Team Chuck’s little fat kid, and I think that’s adorable. I want a Casey in my life. I have a feeling he’d kill spiders for me in a second.

kegger: CHUCK CHUCK CHUCK CHUCK!  I’m going to be so pissed if this show is cancelled.  And I flipping LOVE Casey and Awesome.  And Chuck.  And Sarah.  And hell.  Everyone else, too.  I could go on for about 15 minutes about Chuck, but I’m going to stop now. (Ahem.  If you haven’t seen Chuck yet, you should totally click on one of the bazillion hyperlinks I added and watch a few dozen episodes.)

The Office:
Oh, The Office, how I’ve missed you. I haven’t really been feeling the love this season, but last night was brilliant: the return of awesome, competent Jim; Charles getting schooled in the ways of Dwight; the “idiot” ringtone; Ryan not being a total douchebag asshole…I could go on. But I won’t.

kegger: I loved Jim in this episode.  And yay, Charles is gone!  Finally!  I think.  And so awesome that instead of taking the $60,000, Michael got all of their jobs back.  And I hope Ryan keeps his “totally natural” blonde hair for a while, because every time I see it, it makes me giggle. Although I do have to say, I STILL don’t buy Angela crushing on Charles. I just don’t see it.

Party Down:

kegger: Okay, so I admit that I haven’t seen this week’s episode of Party Down yet, but I don’t care.  I flipping love this show, and if you don’t have Starz, you should totally watch it on Netflix.  The pilot ep was just okay.  After that, the show turned into all kinds of awesome.

amelie: I’m a week or so behind on Party Down, but I have loved every episode I’ve seen so far. Why aren’t you watching it?


kegger: Missy Higgins–Okay, so the CD isn’t exactly new, but I just kind of discovered it on my iPod this week, and it’s mellow and great.  My two favorite songs are “Forgive Me” and “Warm Whispers.”

amelie: The Lonely Island–I’ve had Incredibad for a couple of weeks, and I still love it. It’s dirty and funny and ridiculous. My new favorite thing is to drive with the windows down and blast “I’m On a Boat” as loud as I can take it.

kegger: I’m on a boat, mothafucka!

amelie: Don’t you ever forget!


kegger: I’m in a YA phase right now for some reason.  Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is definitely worth a read.  Based on the description on the inside flap, I was just, meh.  But then I read it and loved it.  I’m looking forward to the sequel.

amelie: I’m not reading anything worth talking about, so moving on.

What we hated:


amelie: NBC is On Notice for even considering canceling Chuck. I’m still so pissed at ABC for the Pushing Daisies fiasco that I refuse to watch Castle (or maybe I just forget that it’s on because my Mondays are already stacked with awesome shows. I’ll never tell.) Consider this a pre-empitive hate, which I am more than willing to turn into a love if NBC nuts up and does the right thing.


kegger:House“–Whatever you do, don’t rent this.  It’s awful.  It’s horrible.  It can’t decide what it wants to be.  Does it want to be all creepy, or mystery-like, or ghosty, or WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???!!!!  I mean… seriously.  Don’t watch it.  I was actually paying attention, and I couldn’t figure out what was going on.  I was all like, “Huh?  Why is chick like, drowning under a slab of ice in a closet?!?” and stuff.  Not to mention, you really shouldn’t name your movie House when there’s already a popular show named House.  AND, can I just say that movies really need to work on getting the South right?  The architecture for that house was so off.  And so were their accents.  Just because we’re from the South doesn’t mean we’re creepy inbred rednecks, y’all.  And if we WERE creepy inbred rednecks, we’d be living in trailer parks.  Not in mansions.  Maybe you should actually, I don’t know, VISIT Montgomery, Alabama and see what it’s actually like there before you start making movies about it.

amelie: Creepy Inbred Rednecks is so the name of my imaginary band. I wasn’t even aware this was a movie until you started griping about how much it sucks. No movies to hate on this week for me. Ooh–can I hate on the 30 seconds of “Twilight” you made me watch? Because I really hated it.

kegger: You can count the 30 seconds of “Twilight” that I made you watch.  They really were the worst 30 seconds of the entire show.  He was supposed to look like he wanted to EAT her (dirty!) when he first smelled her.  Not like he wanted to vomit.

amelie: Heh. Eat her.

Pee Ess: I have edited this stupid thing forty bajillion times, and the size is still all wonky. I call shenanigans. Sorry.


April 24, 2009 at 2:47 pm 1 comment

Weekly Wrap-Up: A Mixed Bag

What we loved:
How I Met Your MotherNot a Father’s Day. Robin and Ted playing the angel and devil on Lily’s shoulder. Drunken Lily zooming around with a fire extinguisher and a rolling chair.

Chuck–Chuck and Casey’s hilarious, uncomfortable, and unhelpful lip smack. Did something else happen in that episode? We forget because we were laughing too hard.

Iron Man–Let’s ignore the fact that ameliebee is late to the party and celebrate the fact that she showed up at all. It was fun and entertaining and we both thought Robert Downey, Jr. (or as we like to call him, Jeffrey Dean Morgan) did a wonderful job as Tony Stark. Neither of us really felt Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, and we pegged John Malkovich Jeff Bridges as the bad guy the second his bald head popped up on the screen.

The Office–Drunk-off-his-ass Oscar. “Call her! Call her! No, don’t call her!” “Why won’t you do Andy?” Dear Office producer-type people: We need more Drunk Oscar. He’s our favorite flavor of Oscar.

What we loathed:
How I Met Your Mother–Another cab ride and still no Ranjit? Boo.

Pushing Daisies–To be precise, we loathed the total lack of Ned, Chuck, Emerson, and Olive for the second week in a row. ABC, if you cancel this show because you can’t be arsed to promote it, you deserve all the rotten pie that will surely be sent to you.

What we’re indifferent about:
Chuck–Jill. We don’t love her, we don’t hate her. Right now, we nothing her.

November 14, 2008 at 12:02 pm Leave a comment

Word of the Week

concierge [kon-see-airzh] n; the Winnipeg version of a geisha, trained in the fine art of fanciness and pleasure.

cheerleader effect [cheer-lee-der i-fekt] n; a group of seemingly attractive women who are, individually, butt ugly. “Just like with cheerleaders–they seem hot, but take each one individually, sled dogs.” See also: bridesmaids paradox, sorority girl syndrome, Spice Girls Conspiracy

November 14, 2008 at 11:42 am Leave a comment

Word of the Week

Reaching back for these.

smack talk [smak tawk] v; non-hypothetical, evidence-based derogatory phrases used to kill someone’s self esteem, especially when playing ping-pong at work. “Trash talk is hypothetical, like: Your mama is so fat she can eat the internet. But smack talk is happening, like, right now. Like: You’re ugly and I know it for a fact, ’cause I got the evidence right there.”

shun/un-shun [shuhn/un-shuhn] v; An Amish disciplinary technique that is the equivalent of slapping someone with silence. Un-shunning ends the shun and, thus, the punishment. Depending on the infraction, one can be shunned for a period of weeks to years. “I was shunned from the age of four until my sixth birthday for not saving the excess oil from a can of tuna.”

November 7, 2008 at 3:28 pm Leave a comment

Weekly Wrap-Up: All Things TV

1. The Office was cute last night, but it felt off. Although we loved Michael’s “It squeaks when you bang it. That’s what she said.” moment. And how cute are Holly and Michael? Too bad David Wallace (Hi, David Wallace! Nice to see you! You’re awesome!) is going to bust them like a pinata.

2. Supernatural was okay, but not the best of the season. However–HOWEVER–it did end on an awesomely funny moment that we will watch over and over and over again. Some clever person over at TWoP has christened it “Thigh of the Tiger.” We think that’s brilliant.

3. Pushing Daisies is getting better and better as the season goes on. Getting backstories on Olive last week and Emerson this week really helps balance out all the focus on Ned and Chuck. Thanks to Emerson, we learned a new way to make friends (Hi. My name is Blah Blah. Do you like blooby-bloo? I do, too. Let’s be friends!), which is a nice follow up to his lessons in how the mind works from two weeks ago: “Do you understand how a head works? Do you? Because very time you say something I got to think it. You say ‘Monkey in a bellhop suit driving a car,’ I think ‘Monkey in a bellhop suit driving a car.'”

4. Chuck also continues getting better this season. We have to find a way to book DJ John Casey and DJ Mad Dog Carmichael for a party. Poor Sarah/Jenny/Katie/whatever her name is. Also: she beat the crap out of Nicole Richie. That makes us really happy, and probably a little mean. Also also: Corey is all grown up! But where were Shawn and Topanga?)

5. How I Met Your Mother should be called How Ted’s heart gets broken all the time. amelie knew Stella wasn’t the mother (amelie: unless she is and then I knew that, too), but poor Teddy boy. Maybe we’ll get to see another awesome break-up beard. This show is good at continuity, so fingers crossed.  (kegger:  The episode ended sadly, but can I tell you just how much I loved how Barney tried to resist the bridesmaids to get Robin but then ended up having a threesome?  That’s SO Barney.) 

6.  True Blood was about as uneventful as it was last week.  To give you an idea, here’s a recap of last week:  Jason’s ass, funeral, Suckie’s boob.  That’s it.  And this week:  Suckie’s boob, Jason’s strung out on V, bar fight.  They’re making Jason into a cracked out druggie (which he TOTALLY isn’t in the book) and they’re adding all kinds of shit that isn’t in the books that they shouldn’t have bothered with.  And Voodoo exorcisms?  Really?  Just because it’s set in Lousiana?  Really?  Come up with something a little more creative than that, please!  And please, Bill, please stop calling Sookie “Suckie.”  Or actually, “Suckieeeeeeee,” because he totally draws out that last bit, and it makes my ears bleed every time.   

October 24, 2008 at 12:18 pm Leave a comment

Weeknight Smackdown!

Things have changed, but not much. We get Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday nights off now. Sunday night is a grab bag–maybe we’ll watch True Blood, maybe we’ll watch something on DVD. The question is which night is better: Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday?

Cons: It’s Monday. We hate Mondays. And since Chuck and HIMYM overlap, we have to watch one and record the other, and that’s more work than we like to do on Mondays (if you’re amelie, that involves the wonderful DVR. If you’re kegger, it involves two televisions and a VCR. Either way, it’s less than fun.)

Thursdays: My Name Is Earl, The Office, 30 Rock, Supernatural (kegger:  Psst!  You forgot It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia!) (amelie: oops!)
Pros: We’ve already established that we like to laugh. The Office–we work with these people, y’all. Everyone who’s ever worked in an office has worked with a Michael or a Dwight or a Jim or a Phyllis, and kegger actually does work with both a Dwight and a Creed. Although kegger doesn’t really watch Earl or 30 Rock, she has to admit that they are a little funny and should be included on this list. One day, she will understand why Supernatural is on this list. (kegger:  I promise, I’m really going to watch Season 1 soon!  I promise!) (amelie: mmhmm.)

Cons: Once again, everything is jammed up all over the place. Record one thing and watch another live. It gets old, and we don’t like it. Plus, the shows we like are up agains CSI and Grey’s Anatomy, so they never win in the ratings. It’s no fun being a fan of a bubble show, and those seem to be the only shows we fall for (coughVeronicaMarscough).

So, who’s the winner of the Weeknight Smackdown? Drumroll please…

Thursday Nights
And we are unanimous in that.

October 15, 2008 at 12:47 pm Leave a comment

What We’re Watching: Fall ’08


amelie: Even though season 1 was cut by the strike, it was a pretty stellar set up for what’s to come. Where else am I going to get my geek/spy love each week?

kegger: It’s like Alias meets The O.C. I’m sold.  And can I just mention that Adam Baldwin is freaking awesome?

Pushing Daisies

amelie: Poor baby was not just shortened by the strike–season 1 barely existed! But PD is that one show that doesn’t need a lot of episodes to make an impression; the pilot alone is unforgettable. The oversaturated colors, the quirky characters, the underlying layer of sadness beneath the shiny surface of humor–I want it all back and I want it back NOW. Or, you know, next Wednesday. Whatever. I’m easy like that.

kegger: I love Chuck and Ned!  And I love all of the shiny happy colors.  This show reminds me of a colorful Edward Scissorhands for some reason.

The Office

amelie: Hopefully the NBC wanktards have learned that burning off all the hour-long episodes at the beginning of the season was a colossal waste of time and talent. And even if they haven’t learned, I’m still this show’s bitch and I’ll watch whatever they come up with.

kegger: Don’t get me wrong–I LOVE hour long episodes of The Office, but KNOWING there was a strike coming up, couldn’t they have spread it all out a little bit so we wouldn’t have to go through Office withdrawls?  I hope this show never ends!

30 Rock

amelie: Each week this show gets wackier and funnier and more outrageous. And each week, I still want to hit that.

How I Met Your Mother

amelie: It’s back, babydoll! I will cry foul for years and years until NPH gets his freaking Emmy. He managed to Ted out in the season opener without douching it up. He’s funny and sweet and surprisingly deep for a self-proclaimed bimbo lover. Okay, okay, so Barney isn’t the center of the show–the whole gang is important and I’m glad we still don’t know who the mother is. I’m content to watch it play out for as long as Bays and Thomas want.

kegger: I’m a new HIMYM convert–I got hooked on it during the strike.  So this will be my first season that I get to watch while it’s actually on television and not on DVD.  And I have a feeling it’s going to be… legen… wait for it… dary!  (Shut up.  I know that was cheesy, but I couldn’t resist.) [amelie: It will also be de…wait for it…lightful. Delightful!]


amelie: This is my new baby, which I still haven’t gotten kegs to watch yet. I’m working on it, though. I only just caught up with season 3 (thank you, CW reruns!). The season 4 opener was so strong and wonderful that any disappointment I had in season three has been conveniently forgotten. Bring on more pretty boys hunting things. Whee!

kegger: I’ve actually never in my life seen an episode of Supernatural (and it’s all your fault, you whores at DirecTV that don’t freaking give me the CW!!!) but amelie has been trying to convince me to watch it for a while now.  I’m game.  Hot guys?  Works for me.  Or, it WOULD, if I freaking had the CW!!!!!

True Blood

amelie: I’m still on the fence about this one. On the one hand, it’s got pretty people and vampires and I think we’ve covered the fact that I’m easy. On the other hand, GOD the accents. So it’s a toss up.

kegger: I have a thing for vampires and witches and all things supernatural (which means I would probably love Supernatural, amelie!) so I’ll probably give this show a chance longer than amelie just because I like the genre.  But, I do have some serious problems with it.

1.  The books are just okay.  So far, anyway.  I’ve only read book one.  And logically, it makes sense to me that if a book that is just okay, is going to make a show that’s just okay, or worse.  Usually worse.

2.  There’s a LOT of unnecessary sex.  Don’t get me wrong, sex is fine, but unnecessary sex is just kind of annoying.  We get it.  You’re on HBO.  You can show boobs all day long.  Enough, already.

3.  The Southern accents make me cringe every time I hear them.

4.  They freaking pronounce the main character’s name “Suckie” instead of “Sookie.”  What?!?!?  Suckie?!  Um, NO!  I don’t care how Southern you are, no one would call that poor girl Suckie! [amelie: Uh, yeah, except for the part where you and I call all things True Blood-related “Suckie.”]

But still.  Vampires and hot boys?  I’ll keep watching for now.  [amelie: Psst: There are vampires and HOT BOYS in Supernatural. In case you were wondering…] [kegger:  I do believe you’ve mentioned that before, amelie.]

September 24, 2008 at 1:24 pm Leave a comment

I’m living an episode of The Office!

Note: Names have been changed to protect the innocent and deranged.

Yesterday, I got this email from my coworker Angela:

Damn, has Dwight never had a cold? He comes in here with his fag bag showing everyone his Amoxicillin…. He asked me If I’ve ever been “that sick”??? I said, well, yeah, of course.

Then he asked me if I’ve ever lost sense of smell while I was sick and I told him I had. Then he wanted to know if your sense of smell comes back eventually. He is such a moron!!!!!!!!!

And so I replied:

Next time he asks something like that, you should make up some ridiculous story about how one time you got sick and you haven’t been able to see the color blue since then. Or something like that. He would freak out. You could tell him that at first colors were just duller, but then they disappeared altogether. I bet he’d imagine that he was losing his ability to see color! I can see him falling for that.

Angela decides that this is, in fact, a brilliant plan, and the next time Dwight comes into her office, she lays the groundwork:


July 18, 2008 at 3:07 pm 3 comments

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