Archive for September 17, 2008

New Facebook–Epic Fail

In amelie’s words, the new Facebook makes the baby Jesus cry.

It’s awful.  It’s the most un-user friendly website I’ve seen in I don’t know how long.  Whoever designed it should be publicly humiliated in front of the Washington Monument.  Or something.

I used to be pretty addicted to Facebook.  Now?  Since they changed me over to the new, crappy, hard to navigate “new” Facebook, I’ve avoided it like the plague.

How the hell am I supposed to keep up with everyone if I can’t even find their information?  I liked having all of my info on one page.  What’s the point of having Flair if no one is even going to get to SEE my flair?  Because I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m not wasting my time clicking on an “Applications” tab.  It’s not worth the effort and not worth the time.  And they’ve stretched the pages so they don’t fit on my screen anymore.  I think this is going to make them lose advertising, (and I hope it does, because new Facebook SUCKS!) because now the ads are on the right side of the page, and I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m not going to bother scrolling over to the right side of the page just to look at some ad.  Nope.  Sorry.  Not happening.

And the Photos page–they completely eliminated the point of having photo albums.  Because now it’s just a big old jumbled mess.

I really don’t get their logic.  The guy who designed new Facebook must have a brain that works completely different than everyone else’s, because if he SERIOUSLY thought that it was easier to navigate and more user friendly, he’s got to be mildly nuts.  Or on some serious drugs.  Or something.

So amelie and I have a plan.  Admittedly, it probably won’t work, but it at least makes me feel better.  (It doesn’t make amelie feel better.  She’s still pissed.)  Until they somehow improve the site, or until they admit that they came up with a REALLY bad idea and take it back to the old design, we’re going to send them daily negative feedback.  They might not read it, but it’s about the ONLY thing I’ll be doing on Facebook until they improve it somehow, because every time I log on now, I cringe, look at the home page, and immediately log off again.

So, Facebook team–new Facebook sucks.  It’s an epic fail.  Admit it and take it back to the old format!  Pretty please, with a game of Scrabulous on top?

September 17, 2008 at 11:00 am 2 comments

September 2008
